In a groundbreaking initiative, a Film producing Malawian company by the name Innate Media Work, has announced that it will soon start releasing a mini-series titled ‘Silent Voice’ this April 2024.
According to the Press release, dated 18th June 2023, the series seeks to address intricate realities of University of Malawi students’ life, shining a spotlight on the often overlooked subject of mental health.
The statement further indicates that the Director of Innate Media Works who is also pursuing his Masters Degree program in Theatre and Media for Communication Development, Odala Balamu Banda, has employed the innovative Participatory Video Production (PVP) method in the creation to put across the message.
Speaking to Chanconews, Kondwani Kabvina, a key actor in the series pointed out that he drew inspiration from personal experiences and observations to authentically portray the struggles and emotions of his character.
In the same line Promise Banda, main actress in the series, emphasized the impact of financial struggles on mental well-being and lack of the need for counseling sessions among university students as some of the factors fuelling mental health issues.
Banda also highlighted the unique challenges faced by women in terms of sexual exploitation and disclosed that through ‘Silent Voice,’ she aims to raise awareness, promote dialogue, and inspire positive change regarding mental health.
Jack Chimutu, the manager of ‘Silent Voice’ said the road towards this success was met with hurdles which as a group they successfully overcame.
“Silent Voice holds the promise of raising awareness and initiating meaningful conversations on mental health among university students,” said Chimutu.
By Tiwonge Kumwenda